
4th Sunday of Easter, Year C

In Today’s Gospel, Jesus the Good Shepherd says to us, ‘I know my sheep. They listen to my voice and follow me. Let us listen to the meaning and implication of this statement/remark in our […]


3rd Sunday of Easter Year C

St. Paul in 1 Cor. 15:12-14,20; said ‘if Christ had not been raised from the dead, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain… But in fact, Christ has been raised […]


2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C

 In today’s liturgy of the word, Jesus invites us to draw close to him in faith and to reflectively look at the reality of his resurrection.  We are invited to bring our doubts and questions […]


5th Sunday of Lent C

In the Gospel today, Jesus shows gentleness and compassion for the woman who has been caught in adultery. As he sends her away without condemnation, he pleads with her to sin no more. Jesus does […]


4th Sunday of Lent C

God’s mercy for sinners is the clear theme that runs through the three readings of today’s Mass. In our first reading, we have the beautiful words spoken by God to his people “I have taken […]


3rd Sunday of Lent C

Rhythms of self-discipline and the threefold disciplines of Lent, prayer, fasting and almsgiving help the Christian to the integration of our lives into the paschal mystery, that is, death and resurrection of Jesus. Our focus […]


The Presentation of the Lord – February 2

At the end of the fourth century, a woman named Etheria made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Her journal, discovered in 1887, gives an unprecedented glimpse of liturgical life there. Among the celebrations she describes is […]


Feast of the Epiphany, Year C

Today’s feast reminds us that Jesus came into the world not only for the benefit of his own people, but to be the messiah and saviour of all peoples of the earth. Just as the […]


4th Sunday of Advent, Year C

Our mother church can never celebrate the role of Mary in the life and mission of Christ enough. In today’s liturgy of the word, God demonstrats through David and Mary that human beings can and […]


3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C

Today is known as ‘Gaudete Sunday’. The word ‘gaudete’ means rejoice. Today is otherwise known as the ‘Rose Sunday’. The basis for the rose and for rejoicing is that the Lord is near. We are […]