Prayers for various needs

A child’s thanksgiving for mothers (Giles Harcourt)

Lord, we thank you for our mothers
and the gift of
their tenderness and understanding,
their patience and thoughtfulness,
their kindness and love.

We can be so wilful,
so thoughtless,
so impatient,
and so unkind;
for often we demand without grace
and receive without thanks
and always we expect more.
We expect our mothers to be there
to cater to our selfishness,
and then we wonder why
she gets tired and irritable
and thoroughly fed up.
Yet through all these things she loves us.

Lord, teach us to be thoughtful
and understanding and sensitive to our mother’s needs,
that we may ease her days
and increase her joy.
We ask this through the generous and loving example
of our saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

A Daily Prayer (by John Henry Newman)

May He support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest and peace at the last. Amen.

A Lenten Prayer (Pope St Pius V, 1504-72)

Look with favor, Lord,
on your household.
Grant that,
though our flesh be humbled
by abstinence from food,
our souls, hungering after you,
may be resplendent in your sight. Amen.

A Prayer Giving Thanks (Rev O. Eugene Pickett, UUA)

For the expanding grandeur of Creation, worlds known and unknown, galaxies beyond galaxies, filling us with awe and challenging our imaginations:
We give thanks this day.
For this fragile planet earth, its times and tides, its sunsets and seasons:
We give thanks this day.
For the joy of human life, its wonders and surprises, its hopes and achievements:
We give thanks this day.
For our human community, our common past and future hope, our oneness transcending all separation, our capacity to work for peace and justice in the midst of hostility and oppression:
We give thanks this day.
For high hopes and noble causes, for faith without fanaticism, for understanding of views not shared:
We give thanks this day.
For all who have labored and suffered for a fairer world, who have lived so that others might live in dignity and freedom:
We give thanks this day
For human liberty and sacred rites; for opportunities to change and grow, to affirm and choose:
We give thanks this day.
We pray that we may live not by our fears but by our hopes, not by our words but by our deeds.
We give thanks this day. Amen.

Act of Charity

My God,
I love you with my whole heart and above all things,
Because you are infinitely good and perfect;
And I love my neighbour as myself for love of you.
Grant that I may love you more and more in this life,
And in the next for all eternity.

A Christian Litany of Humility (Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val)

O Jesus! meek and humble of heart,
– Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being loved,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being honored,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being praised,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being preferred,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being consulted,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being approved,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being humiliated,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being despised,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
– Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being calumniated,
– Deliver me, Jesus
From the fear of being forgotten,
– Deliver me, Jesus
From the fear of being ridiculed,
– Deliver me, Jesus
From the fear of being wronged,
– Deliver me, Jesus
From the fear of being suspected,
– Deliver me, Jesus
That others may be loved more than I,
– Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I,
– Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase
and I may decrease,
– Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
– Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be praised and I unnoticed,
– Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
– Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may become holier than I,
provided that I may become as holy as I should,
– Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. Amen.

A Sick Person’s Morning Prayer (From The Book of Common Prayer)

This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen

Act of Contrition

O my God,
Because you are so good I am very sorry that I have sinned against you.
And by the help of your grace I will not sin again.

A Magnificat (tr. from German by Olga Warneke IBVM)

My soul glorifies the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour!
For he has blessed me lavishly
and makes me ready to respond.
He shatters my little world
and lets me be poor before him.
He takes from me all my plans
and gives me more than I can hope for or ask.
He gives me opportunities and the ability to become free
and to burst through my boundaries.
He gives the strength to be daring, to build on him alone,
for he shows himself as the ever greater One in my life.
He has made known to me this;
It is in my being servant that it becomes possible.
For God’s kingdom to break through
here and now. Amen.

A Prayer for Easter (After the first letter of St Peter)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
By his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope,
through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead,
and into an inheritance which cannot perish or be defiled,
nor can it ever fade away.
So let us rejoice! Amen.

A Prayer for The Future

Loving God,
each day as I step further into my future,
give me the courage, knowledge and
patience that I need on my journey.
Remind me that you always journey with me
and that you will never lead me into anything
that you won’t lead me through.
Thank you for the gift of my life.
May the way I live it be my gift to you –
with your love and guidance
In Jesus’ name. Amen

Act of Contrition (2)

My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart;
in choosing to do wrong and in failing to do good,
I have sinned against you whom I should love above all else.
I firmly intend with your help to do penance,
to sin no more and to avoid whatever leads me into sin.
Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died for me:
in his name, my God, have mercy. Amen.

Act of Faith

My God, I believe in you and in all the your Church teaches,
because you have said it, and your word is true. Amen.

Act of Hope

My God, I hope in you for grace and for glory,
because of your promises, your mercy and power. Amen.

A Prayer of Self-giving (Muslim Prayer)

We ask that you will turn away our faces
from any goal other than yourself,
and grant us to gaze toward your noble countenance
until we see you in everything.

An Orthodox Prayer

Set our hearts on fire with love for you, O Christ our God,
that in that flame we may love you
with all our heart,
with all our mind,
with all our soul,
with all our strength,
and our neighbour as ourselves;
so that keeping your commandments,
we may glorify you, the giver of all good gifts. Amen.

Be with Me Today, O Lord (by John Henry Newman)

May all I do today begin with you, O Lord.
Plant dreams and hopes within my soul,
revive my tired spirit:
be with me today.May all I do today continue with your help, O Lord.
Be at my side and walk with me:
Be my support today. May all I do today reach far and wide, O Lord.
My thoughts, my work, my life:
make them blessings for your kingdom;
let them go beyond today,O God Today is new unlike any other day,
for God makes each day different.
Today God’s everyday grace falls on my soul like abundant seed,
though I may hardly see it.Today is one of those days Jesus promised to be with me,
a companion on my journey,
And my life today, if I trust him,
has consequences unseen.
My life has a purpose.”I have a mission…
“I am a link in a chain,
a bond of connection between persons.
God has not created me for naught…
Therefore I will trust him.
Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away.
God does nothing in vain.”He knows what he is about.” Amen.

Anima Christi (1)

Soul of Christ, sanctify me, Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me Water from Christ’s side wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within thy wounds hide me suffer me not to be separated from Thee from the malicious enemy defend me. In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come to Thee that I may praise Thee with Thy saints and with Thy angels forever and ever. Amen.

Blessing to Brother Leo (St Francis of Assisi)

May God bless you and keep you.
May He show His face to you
and have compassion upon you.
May He turn His face toward you
and give you peace. Amen.

Child’s Prayer to Find God in All Things

(Jared Kiley, St. Xavier High School Cincinnati, Ohio)

Under a leaf, in a snowflake
In a blade of grass, in a raindrop
All parts of nature

In your parents’ loving embrace
In the phone call from your grandparents
All family relationships

In working and sharing with others
In helping the unfortunate
All volunteering jobs

Where are you able to find God?

Lord, help me to find you in all ways and walks of life. Amen.

Anima Christi (2)  Pope John XXII (translated by Blessed John Henry Newman)

Soul of Christ, be my sanctification,
Body of Christ, be my salvation,
Blood of Christ, fill my veins
Water from the side of Christ, wash out my stains.
May Christ’s Passion strengthen me,
O good Jesus, hear me.
In thy wounds I fain would hide,
Never to be parted from thy side.
Guard me when my foes assail me,
Call me when my life shall fail me.
Command me then to come to thee.
That I for all eternity
With thy saints may praise thee. Amen.

Beginning the Day

Heavenly Father,
I offer you this day:
All that I think and do and say,
uniting it with what was done
by Jesus Christ, your only Son. Amen.

Child’s Bedtime Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray to God my soul to take.
If I should live for other days,
I pray the Lord to guide my ways.

Father, unto you I pray,
You have guarded me all day;
Safe I am while in your sight,
Safely let me sleep tonight.
Bless my friends, the whole world bless;
Help me to learn helpfulness;

Keep me ever in your sight;
So to all I say good night. Amen.

Children’s Grace at Meals

Bless us O Lord as we sit together,
Bless the food we eat today,
Bless the hands that made the food,
Bless us O Lord. Amen.

Christmas Peace Prayer

(from Worship Now)

O God, we thank you for the message of peace
that Christmas brings to our distracted world.
Give peace among nations,
peace in our land,
peace in our homes,
and peace in our hearts,
as we remember the birth at Bethlehem
of the Prince of peace,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Christmas Prayer

(Attr. St. Bernard of Clairvaux)

Let your goodness, Lord, appear to us, that we,
made in your image, may conform ourselves to it.
In our own strength we cannot image
your majesty, power and wonder;
nor is it fitting for us to try.

But your mercy reaches from the heavens,
through the clouds, to the earth below.
You have come to us as a small child,
but you have brought us the greatest of all gifts,
the gift of your eternal love.

Caress us with your tiny hands,
embrace us with your tiny arms,
and pierce our hearts with your soft, sweet cries. Amen.

Christmas – I Am There

(from “,The Eternal Year”, Karl Rahner, S. J., 1904-84)

Now God says to us
What He has already said to the earth as a whole
Through His grace-filled birth:

I am there. I am with you.
I am your life. I am your time.
I am the gloom of your daily routine. Why will you not hear it?
I weep your tears – pour yours out to me.
I am your joy.
Do not be afraid to be happy; ever since I wept, joy is the standard of living
That is really more suitable than the anxiety and grief of those who have no hope.

I am the blind alley of all your paths,
For when you no longer know how to go any farther,
Then you have reached me,
Though you are not aware of it.

I am in your anxiety, for I have shared it.
I am in the prison of your finiteness,
For my love has made me your prisoner.

I am in your death,
For today I began to die with you, because I was born,
And I have not let myself be spared any real part of this experience.

I am present in your needs;
I have suffered them and they are now transformed.

I am there.
I no longer go away from this world.
Even if you do not see me now, I am there.

My love is unconquerable.
I am there.
It is Christmas.
Light the Candles! They have more right to exist then all the darkness.
It is Christmas.
Christmas that lasts forever.

Christmas Eve – Within our reach is Joy!

(Fra Giovanni, Christmas Eve, 1513 A.D.)

There is nothing I can give you which you have not;
But there is much, very much, that while I cannot give,
You can take.
No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today.
Take heaven!
No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant.
Take peace!
The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our
Reach is joy.
Take joy!
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see,
And to see we have only to look.
I beseech you to look!
Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by the covering,
Cast them away as ugly, or heavy, or hard.
Remove the covering and you will find beneath it a living splendor,
Woven of love, by wisdom, with power.
Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the angel’s hand
That brings it to you.
Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty
Believe me, that angel’s hand is there, the gift is there,
And the wonder of an overshadowing presence.
Our joys, too, be not content with them as joys.
They, too, conceal diviner gifts.
Life is so full of meaning and purpose,
So full of beauty beneath its covering-
That you will find earth but cloaks your heaven.
And so, at this time, I greet you.
Not quite as the world sends greetings,
But with profound esteem
And with the prayer that for you, now and forever,
The day breaks, and all the shadows flee away.

Christmas Prayer (Moonless darkness stands between)

(Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., 1844 – 89)

Moonless darkness stands between.
Past, the Past, no more be seen!
But the Bethlehem star may lead me
To the sight of Him who freed me
From the self that I have been.
Make me pure, Lord: Thou art holy;
Make me meek, Lord: Thou wert lowly;
Now beginning, and always,
Now begin, on Christmas day.

Easter Prayer – Christ is Risen!

(St. Hippolytus of Rome, 170 – 235 AD)

Christ is Risen: The world below lies desolate
Christ is Risen: The spirits of evil are fallen
Christ is Risen: The angels of God are rejoicing
Christ is Risen: The tombs of the dead are empty
Christ is Risen indeed from the dead,
the first of the sleepers,
Glory and power are his forever and ever. Amen.

For Humility – Disturb Us, Lord

(Attr. to Sir Francis Drake, 1577)

Disturb us, Lord, when
We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.

We ask You to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push into the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love. Amen.

For the riches of inclusion and treasures of diversity

(Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.)

Ever present God,
you called us to be in relationship with one another
and promised to dwell wherever two or three are gathered.

In our community, we are many different people;
we come from many different places,
have many different cultures.

Open our hearts
that we may be bold in finding
the riches of inclusion
and the treasures of diversity among us.

We pray in faith.

Glory Be

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.

Come, My Light

(St Dimitrii of Rostov, Russian Orthodox, 1651-1709)

Come, my Light,
and illumine my darkness.
Come, my Life,
and revive me from death.
Come, my Physician,
and heal my wounds.
Come Flame of divine love,
and burn up the thorns of my sins,
kindling my heart
with the flame of thy love. Amen.

Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours)

Stay with us, Lord Jesus,
be our companion on our way.
In your mercy inflame our hearts and raise our hope,
so that, in union with our brothers and sisters,
we may recognize you in the scriptures and in the breaking of bread,
who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

For Peace in the Middle-East

(Rev. Said)

God of mercy and compassion,
of grace and reconciliation,
pour your power upon all your children
in the Middle East:
Jews, Muslims and Christians,
Palestinians and Israelis.
Let hatred be turned into love,
fear to trust,
despair to hope,
oppression to freedom,
occupation to liberation,
that violent encounters be replaced
by loving embraces,
and peace and justice be experienced by all. Amen.

For the Sick (St Benedict)

(St Benedict’s Prayer Book, Ampleforth)

God our Father,
Your Son accepted our sufferings to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness.
Hear the prayers we offer for our sick brothers and sisters.
May all who suffer pain, illness or disease
realise that they have been chosen to be saints
and know that they are joined to Christ in his suffering
for the salvation of the world.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Forgiveness Prayer

(Rosamond Herklots)

Forgive us Lord, as we forgive, you taught us, Lord, to pray,
But you alone can grant us grace to live the words we say.

How can your pardon reach and bless the unforgiving heart,
That broods on wrongs and will not let old bitterness depart?

In blazing light your cross reveals the truth we dimly knew:
What trivial debts are owed to us, how great our debt to you!

Lord, cleanse the depths within our souls and bid resentment cease.
Then, bound to all in bonds of love, our lives will spread your peace. Amen.

Confiteor (I confess)

I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have sinned through my own fault in my thoughts and
in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do;
and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.

For children who live in fear

Oh God,
You are filled with tender love
for those who live in fear
– bless all children who live in fear;
afraid of someone at home;
afraid of someone at school;
afraid of a relation;
afraid of someone who has treated them wrongly.
Give all those children the wisdom
they need to know whom they can trust,
so that their fears can be heard,
and justice and truth prevail.
and then bring to their wounded minds and souls
the healing of your peace. Amen.

For the Beauty of God’s Peace

(John Greenleaf Whittier)

Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways;
Reclothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives Thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.

Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.

Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm. Amen.

Forever Young

(Adapted from the song lyrics of “Forever Young” by Bob Dylan)

May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young

May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young

May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
And may your song always be sung
May you stay forever young

Give me, O Lord, a steadfast heart

Thomas Aquinas (1225-74)

Give me, O Lord,
a steadfast heart,
which no unworthy thought can drag downwards;
an unconquered heart,
which no tribulation can wear out;
an upright heart,
which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside.

Bestow upon me also,
O Lord my God,
understanding to know thee
diligence to seek thee,
wisdom to find thee,
and a faithfulness that may finally embrace thee;
through Jesus Chris our Lord. Amen.

God be in my head (from The Book of Hours)

God be in my head, and in my undersatnding;
God be in my eyes, and in my looking;
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking;
God be in my heart, and in my thinking;
God be at mine end, and at my departing.

Grace at meals

Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.

Hail Holy Queen

Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,

Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope!

To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve.

To thee do we send up out sighs mourning and weeping in this vale of tears!

Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Hear, O Israel

Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.

And these words which I command to you this day  shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)

Lead, Kindly Light

(“The Pillar of Cloud”, John Henry Cardinal Newman; last verse Edward Bickersteth, Bishop of Exeter)

Lead, Kindly Light, amidst th’encircling gloom,
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou
Shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose and see my path; but now
Lead Thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years!

So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on.
O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone,
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!

Meantime, along the narrow rugged path,
Thyself hast trod,
Lead, Saviour, lead me home in childlike faith,
Home to my God.
To rest forever after earthly strife
In the calm light of everlasting life.

Native American Prayer for Peace

O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you.
To your messengers the four winds,
and to Mother Earth who provides for your children.

Give us the wisdom to teach our children
to love, to respect, and to be kind to each other
so that they may grow with peace in mind.

Let us learn to share all the good things
that you provide for us on this Earth. Amen.

O God, We Are One With You

(Thomas Merton 1915-1968)

O God, we are one with you.
You have made us one with you.
You have taught us that if we are open to one another,
you dwell in us.
Help us to preserve this openness
and to fight for it with all our hearts.
Help us to realize that there can be no understanding
where there is mutual rejection.

O God, in accepting one another
wholeheartedly, fully, completely,
we accept you,
and we thank you,
and we adore you,
and we love you with our whole being,
because our being is your being,
our spirit is rooted in your spirit.

Fill us then with love,
and let us be bound together with love
as we go our diverse ways,
united in this one spirit
which makes you present in the world,
and which makes you witness to
the ultimate reality that is love.

Love has overcome.
Love is victorious. Amen.

Holy Light Prayer (from the Liturgy of the Hours)

Lord God,
in your wisdom you created us;
by your providence you rule us;
penetrate our inmost being with your holy light,
so that our way of life may always be one of faithful service to you.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Live Simply Prayer

Compassionate and loving God,
you created a beautiful world for us to share:
Give us the desire to live simply,
so that our lives show your generosity.
You made us responsible for the earth:
guide us so that those who come after us may enjoy your creation. Amen.

Love One Another – A Coptic Prayer

God of love, you have given us a new commandment, that we should love one another;

we are unworthy of your love and wander away from you, but we pray that you will give us throughout our lives a mind forgetful of past ill-will, a pure conscience and a heart to love others even as you have loved us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Morning Offering

O Jesus, through the most pure heart of Mary,
I offer thee all my prayers, works, sufferings and joys of this day for the intentions of thy divine heart in the holy mass and especially for (own intention)Amen.

Nativity Prayer

(St. Augustine of Hippo, AD 354-440)

Let the just rejoice,
for their justifier is born.

Let the sick and infirm rejoice,
For their saviour is born.

Let the captives rejoice,
For their Redeemer is born.

Let slaves rejoice,
for their Master is born.

Let free men rejoice,
For their Liberator is born.

Let All Christians rejoice,
For Jesus Christ is born. Amen.

O My Lord Jesus (John Henry Newman)

O my Lord Jesus,
low as I am in Your all-holy sight, I am strong in You,
strong through Your Immaculate Mother, through Your saints
and thus I can do much for the Church, for the world, for all I love. Amen.

O sweet Child of Bethlehem (Pope John XXIII)

O sweet Child of Bethlehem,
grant that we may share with all the hearts
in this profound mystery of Christmas.
Put into the hearts of men this peace
for which they sometimes seek so desperately
and which you alone can give them.
Help them to know one another better,
and to live as brothers,
children of the same Father.
Reveal to them also your beauty, holiness and purity.
Awaken in their hearts
love and gratitude for your infinite goodness.
Join them all together in your love.
And give us your heavenly peace.
Amen, Amen.

Holy Spirit Prayer of St Augustine

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
That my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
That my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
That I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
To defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
That I always may be holy. Amen

Morning Offering (Marian)

O Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer you my prayers, works, joys, sufferings of this day,
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world.
I offer them for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart:
the salvation of souls, the reparation for sin, the reunion of Christians;
and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father this month. Amen.

Muslim Prayer for Peace

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.
Praise be to the Lord of the Universe who has created us
and made us into tribes and nations,
that we may know each other,
not that we may despise each other.

If the enemy incline towards peace,
do thou also incline towards peace,
and trust in God,
for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things.

And the servants of God, Most Gracious
are those who walk on the Earth in humility,
and when we address them,
we say “PEACE.” Amen.

Night Prayer

(Thomas Ken, 1637-1711)
Glory to thee, my God, this night,
for all the blessings of the light;
keep me, O keep me, King of Kings,
beneath thine own almighty wings.

Night prayer of St Augustine of Hippo

Watch, dear Lord,
With those who wake or watch or weep this night,
and give your angels charge over those who sleep.

O Lord Jesus Christ,
tend your sick ones,
rest your weary ones,
bless your lonely ones,
soothe your suffering ones,
shield your joyous ones,
and all for your love‘s sake. Amen.


My Jesus, in the most holy Sacrament you have given yourself to me: accept in return all the senses of my body and all the faculties of my soul. Give me light and grace: light to know your holy will and grace to do it. Amen.

Our Father

Our Father,
Who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Peace Prayer (of Saint Francis of Assisi)

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Prayer before a Crucifix (St Francis of Assisi)

Most High, glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of my heart
and give me true faith, certain hope and perfect charity,
sense and knowledge, Lord,
that I may carry out Your holy and true command. Amen.

Prayer For a Sick Child

God of love, ever caring, ever strong, stand by us in our time of need. Watch over your child _____ who is sick; look after her/him in every danger, and grant her/him your healing and peace. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer For a Sick Child

(from The Book of Common Prayer)

Heavenly Father, watch with us over your child ______, and grant that (s)he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Praise God, Alleluia!

(St. Francis of Assisi)

Dear Mother earth,
Who day by day unfolds rich blessing on our way,

O Praise God! Alleluia!

The fruits and flowers that verdant grow,
Let them his praise abundant show.

O praise God, O praise God, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Prayer Before an Examination

(A Salesian Prayer)

Dear Lord, as I take this exam,
I thank you that my value
is not based on my performance,
but on your great love for me.

Come into my heart
so that we can walk
through this time together.

Help me, not only with this test,
but the many tests of life
that will surely come my way.

As I take this exam,
bring back to my mind
everything I studied
and be gracious
with what I have overlooked.

Help me to remain focused and calm,
confident in the facts
and in my ability,
and firm in the knowledge
that no matter what happens today
you are there with me always. Amen.

Prayer for a Sick Person

Merciful Lord of life and health, look on our beloved [——] who is sick. Renew her/his strength, and restore her/him to health according to your will. In time of weakness give her/him renewal of your Spirit and the upholding power of your love; and as all things work together for the good to them that love you, so we ask you to pour out your love in her/his heart so that out of this weakness s/he may grow stronger in your grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.

Prayer at Pentecost

O God,
by the mystery of today’s great feast of Pentecost,
you sanctify your whole Church in every people and nation,
pour out, we pray, the gifts of the Holy Spirit
across the face of the earth
and, with the divine grace that was at work
when the Gospel was first proclaimed,
fill now, once more, the hearts of believers.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before Examinations (Adrian Porter SJ )

Lord, as I prepare for this examination,
let your strength and your wisdom be present to me.
May I revise my work thoroughly.
May I understand what it is I have to know.
May my memory be reliable and orderly.
May I be calm and focused on the task ahead.
May I know and feel the love and support of my family and friends.
And may you, the author and creator of all things, enlighten me.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for a Happy Death

(John Henry Cardinal Newman)

Oh, my Lord and Saviour,
support me in that hour in the strong arms of Your Sacraments,
and by the fresh fragrance of Your consolations.
Let the absolving words be said over me,
and the holy oil sign and seal me,
and Your own Body be my food,
and Your Blood my sprinkling;
and let my sweet Mother, Mary, breathe on me,
and my Angel whisper peace to me,
and my glorious Saints smile upon me;
that in them all,
and through them all,
I may receive the gift of perseverance,
and die, as I desire to live,
in Your faith,
in Your Church,
in Your service,
and in Your love. Amen.

Prayer for Christlikeness

(John Henry Cardinal Newman)

Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance everywhere I go;
Flood my soul with your spirit and life;
Penetrate and possess my whole being so completely
That all my life may be only a radiance of yours;
Shine through me and be so in me
That everyone with whom I come into contact
May feel your presence within me.
Let them look up and see no longer me—but only Jesus. Amen.

Prayer for Doctors and Nurses

(from The Book of Common Prayer)

Sanctify, O Lord, those whom you have called to the study and practice of the arts of healing, and to the prevention of disease and pain.   Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit, that by their ministries the health of the community may be promoted and your creation glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Peace

(Satish Kumar)

O, Lord
Lead me from Death to Life,
from Falsehood to Truth.
Lead me from Despair to Hope,
from Fear to Trust.
Lead me from Hate to Love,
from War to Peace.
Let Peace fill our Hearts,
our World, our Universe. Amen.

Prayer for the Bishops (Pope John XXIII)

O Jesus, Eternal Priest,
you who have lit in this world an undying flame,
enable those whom you have chosen for the episcopate
to share in the purposes of your divine Heart.

Give to those generous hearts upon whom you have bestowed
the fullness of your priesthood
the grace of honouring you and your Holy Church,
and multiply around them evermore
new and fervent apostles of your kingdom,
for the salvation of all peoples.

O Lord, grant that as they work in peace
and enjoy tranquillity of order,
the peoples and nations may prosper
under your most generous blessings,
and the Church extend ever more widely
her redeeming mission.

Save your people Lord: and bless your inheritance.
And govern them and lift them up for ever.

Prayer for the needs of others

St Anselm (1033-1109)

We bring before Thee, O Lord,
the troubles and perils of peoples and nations,
the sighings of prisoners and captives,
the sorrows of the bereaved,
the necessities of strangers,
the helplessenss of the weak,
the despondency of the weary,
the failing powers of the aged.
O Lord, draw near to each,
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the needs of others

St Clement of Rome (Pope Clement I AD88-99)

We beg you, Lord,
to help and defend us.
Deliver the oppressed,
pity the insignificant,
raise the fallen,
show yourself to the needy,
heal the sick,
bring back those of your people
who have gone astray,
feed the hungry,
lift up the weak,
take off the prisoner’s chains.

May every nation come to know
that you alone are God,
that Jesus Christ is your child,
that we are your people,
the sheep that you pasture. Amen.

Prayer for Christmas or Epiphany (Orthodox Liturgy)

What shall we present to you, O Christ,
for your coming to earth for us?
Each of your creatures brings you a thank-offering:
the angels – singing;
the heavens – a star;
the wise men – treasures;
the shepherds – devotion;
the earth – a cave;
the desert – a manger:
but we offer you the virgin-mother.
O eternal God, have mercy upon us. Amen.

Prayer for Forgiveness (Bishop David Konstant)

Lord God,
our loving Father,
you know all my sins and failures,
my weaknesses and temptations.
I come to you with deep sorrow in my heart
for the wrong I have done
and for the good I have failed to do.
Forgive me,
accept me,
stengthen me,
now and always. Amen.

Prayer for Peace and Justice

lead us from death to life,
from falsehood to truth.
Lead us from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.
Let peace fill our hearts, our world and our universe.
Let us dream together, pray together and work together,
to build one world of peace and justice for all. Amen.

Prayer for the Dead

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen

Prayer for the dying

Go forth, O Christian soul, out of this world,
in the name of God the Father almighty, who created you;
in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, who suffered for you;
in the name of the Holy Spirit, who was given to you;
in the name of the holy and glorious Mary, Virgin Mother of God;
in the name of blessed Joseph;
in the name of the angels, archangels, thrones and dominations;
in the name of the patriarchs and prophets, of the holy apostles and evangelists,
of the holy martyrs, confessors, monks and hermits,
of the holy virgins and of all the saints of God;
may peace be yours this day,
and may your home be in heaven.
Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the Sick (Adrian Porter SJ)

Father, as Jesus cured the sick and raised Lazarus from the dead,
give comfort to those in our community who are sick.
We pray that your Spirit may heal their bodies
and soothe their minds
leading them to find peace and hope in your grace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Vocations

Loving God, You speak to us
and nourish us through the
life of this church community.

In the name of Jesus, we ask you
to send your Spirit to us so that
men and women among us, young
and old, will respond to your call to
service and leadership in the church.

We pray for all ministers but, especially, for
those who hear your invitation to
be a priest, sister, brother, or deacon.

May those who are opening their hearts
and minds to your call be encouraged
and strengthened through our enthusiasm
in your service. Amen

Prayer for contentment with my lot

(after John Bunyan 1628-88, Pilgrim’s Progress)

Lord, help me to know that:
He who is down need fear no fall,
He that is low no pride;
He that is humble, ever shall
Have God to be his guide.
Make me content with what I have
Little be it or much;
And Lord, contentment ever crave
Because Thou savest such.

Prayer for Generosity (Jacques Sevin SJ after St Ignatius of Layola)

Lord, teach me to be generous:
to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek to rest;
to labour and to ask for no reward
save that of knowing I do your will.

Prayer for Serenity

(Reinhold Niebuhr, 1892-1971)

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference;
living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.

Prayer for the Dead (Funeral Liturgy)

Lord, we entrust to your mercy, those who have died:
welcome them into your presence.
You loved them greatly in this life,
now give them happiness and peace for ever.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.

Prayer for the Holy Catholic Church

William Laud (1573-1645) Archbishop of Cantebury

Most gracious Father,
we most humbly beseech thee
for thy Holy Catholic Church.
Fill it with all truth;
in all truth with all peace.

Where it is corrupt, purge it;
where it is in error, direct it;
where anything is amiss, reform it;
where it is right, strengthen and confirm it;
where it is in want, furnish it;
where it is divided and rent asunder
make up the breaches of it,
O thou Holy One of Israel. Amen.

Prayer for the Year Ahead

(Prayer from unknown author, adapted by Debra Mooney)

May God make this year a happy one!

Not by shielding us from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening us to bear it, as it comes;

Not by making our path easy,
But by making us sturdy and able to travel any path;

Not by taking hardships from us,
But by taking fear from our heart;

Not by granting us unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping our faces bright, even in the shadows;

Not by making our life always pleasant,
But by showing us people and causes that need us most,
and by making us anxious to be there to help.

God’s love, peace, hope and joy to us all for the year ahead. Amen.

Prayer of Relief

(From a prayer of Catholic Relief Services following Typhoon Haiyan, November 2013)

Loving and gracious God,

All love and mercy compels us
to the side of our global brothers and sisters.

In our charity, and in our compassion,
-help us stand with them.
In our solidarity and in our sharing,
-help us stand with them.
In our advocacy, and in our prayer,
-help us stand with them.

And as we turn to them in their peril,
we ask your grace go with us;

To feed the hungry:
-give us your grace.
To give drink to the thirsty:
-give us your grace.
To clothe the naked:
-give us your grace.
To shelter the homeless:
-give us your grace.
To care for the sick:
-give us your grace.
To reach the trapped and the stranded:
-give us your grace.
To mourn the dead:
-give us your grace.

And in reaching out, may we find you in them.
And may they find you in us. Amen.

Prayer of St Ignatius of Layola

Take Lord and receive all my liberty,
my memory, my understanding and my entire will;
all that I have and possess.
You have given it all to me:
to you, O Lord, I return it.
All is yours;
do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and grace,
for this is enough for me.
Our one desire and choice in life should be this:
I want and I choose what better leads to God deepening his life in me.

Prayer of St. Thomas More

Give me, good Lord, a full and fervent charity,
a love of you, good Lord,
incomparable above the love of myself;
and that I love nothing to your displeasure
but everything in order to you.
Take from me, good Lord, this lukewarm fashion, or rather, this cold manner of meditation, and this dullness in praying to you.
Give me warmth, delight, and life in thinking about you.
And give me your grace to long for your holy sacraments and especially to rejoice in the presence of your blessed body, my sweet Saviour Jesus Christ, in the holy sacrament of the altar,
and duly to thank you for your graciousness in giving yourself to me. Amen.

Prayer that I may be strong in future sickness

(Thomas Fuller)

Lord, teach me the art of patience while I am well, and give me the use of it when I am sick. In that day either lighten my burden or strenthen my back. In my health I have so often discovered my weakness, presuming on my own strength: make me to be strong in my sickness when I rely solely on your assistance. Amen

Prayer to Know God’s Will (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

May it please the supreme and divine Goodness
to give us all abundant grace
ever to know his most holy will
and perfectly to fulfill it. Amen.

Prayer to speak out about our beliefs

St Hilary (315-67)

Almighty God,
bestow upon us the meaning of words,
the light of understanding
the nobiligy of diction
and the faith of the true nature.
And grant that what we believe
we may also speak. Amen.

Prayer of St Augustine

Eternal God, You are the light of the minds that know you,
the joy of the hearts that love you,
and the strength of the wills that serve you;
grant us so to know you, that we may truly serve you,
whom to serve is prefect freedom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer of St Richard of Chichester

O most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother,

may  I know you more clearly,

love you more dearly,

follow you more nearly,

day by day. Amen

Prayer of St Teresa of Avila (1)

Christ has no body now on earth but yours:
No hands but yours:
No feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which must look out Christ’s compassion on the world.
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless mankind now.

Prayer of St Teresa of Avila (2)

Let nothing disturb you,
Nothing affright you;
All things are passing,
God never changes.
Patient endurance
Attains to all things;
Who God possesses
In nothing is wanting;
Alone God suffices.

Prayer of St Thomas More (Be With Us Today)

Father in heaven,
you have given us a mind to know you,
a will to serve you,
and a heart to love you.
Be with us today in all that we do,
so that your light may shine out in our lives.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer that Poverty be Made History

Loving God,
look with mercy upon the human race you have created.
May our hearts see your kingdom
in which the destructive poverty of our world is destroyed
and so that we will make poverty history. Amen.

Prayer to be more Christ-like

(St. John Gabriel Perboyre)

O my Divine Saviour,
Transform me into Yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
Grant that every faculty of my body
May serve only to glorify You.
Above all,
Transform my soul and all its powers
So that my memory, will and affection
May be the memory, will and affections
Of Jesus.
I pray You
To destroy in me
All that is not of You.
Grant that I may live
But in You, by You and for You,
So that I may truly say,
With St. Paul,
“I live – now not I –
But Christ lives in me”. Amen.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

O sacred heart of Jesus, we implore, make us love you more and more. Amen.

Prayer of St Bridget of Sweden (suitable for a morning prayer)

Hasten, O Lord! Enlighten my darkness, speak to my soul. Nothing happens without you permitting it, and nothing you permit is without comfort.

O Jesus, Son of God, you who were silent in the presence of your accusers, restrain my tongue until I find what I should say and how to say it.

Show me the path and make me follow it. In delay there is danger, but in haste there is likewise peril. Therefore Lord, give ear to my petition and show me the way.

I come to you, as the sick go to the doctor in search of aid. I long for you like the dying. O Lord, give peace to my heart. Amen

Prayer of St. Thomas Merton

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.

Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.

But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.
And I hope that I have that desire in all that I am doing.

I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire,
and I know that if I do this
you will lead me by the right road
though I may know nothing about it.

Therefore I will trust you always
though I may need to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

Prayer of thanks for the gift of a child

(from The Book of Common Prayer)

Heavenly Father, you sent your own Son into this world. We thank you for the life of this child, _____., entrusted to our care. Help us to remember that we are all your children, and so to love and nurture her/him, that (s)he may attain to that full stature intended for her/him in your eternal kingdom; for the sake of your dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Beauty of the Earth

(from The Book of Common Prayer)

We give you thanks, most gracious God,
for the beauty of earth and sky and sea;
for the richness of mountains, plains, and rivers;
for the songs of birds and the loveliness of flowers.

We praise you for these good gifts,
and pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity.

Grant that we may continue to grow
in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation,
to the honor and glory of your Name,
now and for ever. Amen.

Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Beauty of the Earth

(St John Vianney)

I love You, O my God, and my only desire is to love You until the last breath of my life.
I love You, O my infinitely lovable God,
and I would rather die loving You, than live without loving You.
I love You, Lord, and the only grace I ask is to love You eternally
My God, if my tongue cannot say in every moment that I love You,
I want my heart to repeat it to You as often as I draw breath. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth. Amen.

Prayer when in pain

(from The Book of Common Prayer)

Lord Jesus Christ, by your patience in suffering you hallowed earthly pain and gave us the example of obedience to your Father’s will: Be near me in my time of weakness and pain; sustain me by your grace, that my strength and courage may not fail; heal me according to your will; and help me always to believe that what happens to me here is of little account if you hold me in eternal life, my Lord and my God. Amen.

Short visit to the Blessed Sacrament

(John Henry Cardinal Newman,)

I place myself in the presence of Him, in whose Incarnate Presence I am before I place myself there.
I adore You, O my Saviour, present here as God and Man, in Soul and Body, in true Flesh and Blood.
I acknowledge and confess that I kneel before the Sacred Humanity, which was conceived in Mary’s womb, and lay in Mary’s bosom;
which grew up to man’s estate, and by the Sea of Galilee called the Twelve, wrought miracles, and spoke words of wisdom and peace;
which in due season hung on the cross, lay in the tomb, rose from the dead, and now reigns in heaven.
I praise and bless, and give myself wholly to Him, Who is the true Bread of my soul, and my everlasting joy. Amen.


My Jesus, too often have I offended you, and now, before you in the Blessed Sacrament, I ask the grace never to sin again. Amen.

St Joseph, Protector of the Church

Father, you entrusted our Saviour to the care of Saint Joseph.
By the help of his prayers may your Church continue to serve its Lord,
Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Thanks for Family and Friends

(Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, Ottawa, Canada: Publications Service, 1981)

Blessed are you, loving Father,
for all your gifts to us.
Blessed are you for giving us family and friends
to be with us in times of joy and sorrow,
to help us in days of need,
and to rejoice with us in moments for celebration.

we praise you for your Son Jesus,
who knew the happiness of family and friends,
and in the love of your Holy Spirit.
Blessed are you for ever and ever. Amen.

The Beauty of Nature

(Walter Rauschenbusch 1861–1918)

O God, we thank you for this earth, our home;
For the wide sky and the blessed sun,
For the salt sea and the running water,
For the everlasting hills
And the never-resting winds,
For trees and the common grass underfoot.
We thank you for our senses
By which we hear the songs of birds,
And see the splendor of the summer fields,
And taste of the autumn fruits,
And rejoice in the feel of the snow,
And smell the breath of the spring.
Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty;
And save our souls from being so blind
That we pass unseeing
When even the common thorn bush
Is aflame with your glory,
O God our creator,
Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen

The Divine Praises

Blessed be God.
Blessed be his holy name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be his most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and immaculate conception.
Blessed be her glorious assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, virgin and mother.
Blessed be St Joseph, her spouse most chaste.
Blessed be God in his angels and his saints.


The Exhortation of the Praises of God (St Francis of Assisi)

Lord God:
you alone are holy,
you who work wonders! You are strong, you are great,
you are the Most High,
you are the almighty King,
you, holy Father, King of heaven and earth.
Lord God: you are Three and you are One,
you are goodness, all goodness,
you are the higest Good,
Lord God, living and true.
You are love and charity, you are wisdom,
you are humility, you are patience,
you are beauty, you are sweetness,
you are sefety, you are rest, you are joy,
you are our hope
and our delight,
you are justice, you are moderation
you are all our wealth
and riches overflowing.
You are beauty, you are gentleness,
you are our shelter, our guard
and our defender,
you are strength, you are refreshment,
you are our hope.
you are our faith.
you are our love,
you are our complete consolation,
you are our life everlasting,
great and wonderful Lord,
all powerful God, merciful Savior!

The Mission of My Life (by John Henry Newman)

God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission. I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.

I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for naught. I shall do good; I shall do His work. I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, while not intending it if I do but keep His commandments.

Therefore, I will trust Him, whatever I am, I can never be thrown away.

If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him, in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him. If I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him.

He does nothing in vain. He knows what He is about. He may take away my friends. He may throw me among strangers. He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide my future from me. Still, He knows what He is about. Amen.

You are Christ

(Attr. St Augustine of Hippo, 4th Century)

You are Christ, my Holy Father, my Tender God, my Great King, my Good Shepherd, my Only Master, my Best Helper, my Most Beautiful and my Beloved, my Living Bread, my Priest Forever, my Leader to my Country, my True Light, my Holy Sweetness, my Straight Way, my Excellent Wisdom, my Pure Simplicity, my Peaceful Harmony, my Entire Protection, my Good Portion, my Everlasting Salvation.

Christ Jesus, Sweet Lord, why have I ever loved, why in my whole life have I ever desired anything except You, Jesus my God? Where was I when I was not in spirit with You? Now, from this time forth, do you, all my desires, grow hot, and flow out upon the Lord Jesus: run… you have been tardy until now; hasten where you are going; seek Whom you are seeking. O, Jesus may he who loves You not be an anathema; may he who loves You not be filled with bitterness.

O, Sweet Jesus, may every good feeling that is fitted for Your praise, love You, delight in You, adore You! God of my heart, and my Portion, Christ Jesus, may my heart faint away in spirit, and may You be my Life within me! May the live coal of Your Love grow hot within my spirit and break forth into a perfect fire; may it burn incessantly on the altar of my heart; may it glow in my innermost being; may it blaze in hidden recesses of my soul; and in the days of my consummation may I be found consummated with You! Amen.


Prayer when preparing for exams

Loving God
be with me now,
as I prepare for my exams.

Thank you for the many talents and gifts you have
given me and for the opportunity of education.

Calm my nerves and anxiety, help me
to remember all that I have studied,
to express it clearly and to answer questions
to the very best of my ability.

Holy Spirit, sit by me in my exam
– and be with me always.

In Jesus’ name. Amen

Soul of Christ Prayer (14th Century)

Soul of Christ
A 14th Century prayer used by St Ignatius
Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from Christ’s side, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Within your wounds hide me.
Let me not be separated from you.
From the enemy defend me,
At my death call me
And bid me, come to you
That with your saints I may praise you
For ever and ever. Amen.

Stay With Me (John Henry Newman, Jesus the Light of the Soul)

Stay with me, and then I shall begin to shine as you shine:
so to shine as to be a light to others.
The light, O Jesus, will be all from you.
None of it will be mine.
It will be you who shines through me upon others.
O let me praise you, in the way which you love best,
by shining on all those around me.
Give light to them as well as to me; light them with me, through me.
Teach me to show your praise, your truth, your will.
Make me preach you without preaching; not by words
but by my example and by the catching force, the sympathetic influence, of what I do –
by my visible resemblance to your saints,
and the evident fullness of the love which my heart bears for you.

Suscipe (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty,
my memory, my understanding,
and my entire will,
All I have and call my own.
You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.
Everything is yours; do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and your grace,
that is enough for me.


My Jesus, I thank you with all my heart for your loving kindness to me.

Blessed and praised every moment be the most holy and divine Sacrament.


The Canticle of Brother Sun (St Francis of Assisi)

Most High, all-powerful, good Lord,
Yours are the praises, the glory, and the honour, and all blessing,
To You alone, Most High, do they belong,
and no human is worthy to mention Your name.
Praised be You, my Lord, with all Your creatures,
especially Sir Brother Sun,
Who is the day and through whom You give us light.
And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendour;
and bears a likeness of You, Most High One.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars,
in heaven You formed them clear and precious and beautiful.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Wind,
and through the air, cloudy and serene, and every kind of weather,
through whom You give sustenance to Your creatures.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Water,
who is very useful and humble and precious and chaste.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Fire,
through whom You light the night,
and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong.
Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Mother Earth,
who sustains and governs us,
and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs.

Praised be You, my Lord, through those who give pardon for Your love,
and bear infirmity and tribulation.
Blessed are those who endure in peace
for by You, Most High, shall they be crowned.

Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death,
from whom no one living can escape.
Woe to those who die in mortal sin.
Blessed are those whom death will find in Your most holy will,
for the second death shall do them no harm.

Praise and bless my Lord and give Him thanks
and serve Him with great humility.

The grace to work for that for which we pray

St Thomas More (1478-1535)

The things, good Lord, that we pray for,
give us the grace to work for;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Memorare

(Attr. St Bernard of Clairvaux)

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection,
implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence I fly unto thee, O virgin of virgins, my mother.
To thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O, mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petition
but in thy clemency hear and answer me. Amen.

The Waiting TIme

John Bell (Iona Community)

You keep us waiting.
You, the God of all time,
want us to wait
for the right time in which to discover
who we are, where we are to go,
who will be with us, and what we must do.
So thank you … for the waiting time.

You keep us looking.
You, the God of all space,
want us to look in the right and wrong places
for signs of hope,
for people who are hopeless,
for visions of a better world which will appear
among the disappointments of the world we know.
So thank you … for the looking time.

You keep us loving.
You, the God whose name is love,
want us to be like you –
to love the loveless and the unlovely and the unloveable;
to love without jealousy or design or threat;
and, most difficult of all,
to love ourselves.
So thank you … for the loving time.

And in all this,
you keep us.
Through hard questions with no easy answers;
through failing where we hoped to succeed
and making an impact where we felt we were useless;
through the patience and the dreams and the love of others;
and through Jesus Christ and his Spirit,
you keep us.
So thank you …. for the keeping time,
and for now,
and for ever, Amen.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want.

Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose.

Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit.

He guides me along the right path; he is true to his name.

If I should walk in the valley of darkness no evil will I fear.

You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort.

You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes.

My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing.

Surely goodness and kindness shall follow mw all the days of my life.

In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. Amen.

Speak, Lord, your servant is listening

After Christina Rossetti (1820-94)

Speak, Lord, for your servent is listening.
Grant us ears to hear,
Eyes to see,
Wills to obey,
Hearts to love.
Then declare what you will,
Reveal what you will,
Command what you will,
Demand what you will.

Sufi Prayer for Peace

O Almighty Sun, whose light clears away all clouds,
We take refuge in you.
Guide of all people, God of all deities, Lord of all angels,
We pray you to dispel the mists of illusion from the hearts of the nations
And lift their lives by your all-sufficient power,
Your ever shining light, your everlasting life,
Your heavenly joy and your perfect peace. Amen.

Tantum Ergo (Saint Thomas Aquinas)

With heads bowed let us now worship a sacrament so great;
And let the old teaching give way to the new;
Let faith reinforce our belief where the senses cannot.

To the Father and the Son let there be praise and jubilation,
Salvation, honor, virtue, and also blessing;
To the Holy Spirit let there be equal praise.


(Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803 – 82)

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends. Amen.

The Canticle of the Creatures (adapt. from St Francis of Assisi)

Praised be my Lord God for all his creatures,
especially for our brother the sun,
who brings us the day and the light.
Beautiful is he and shines with great splendour; O Lord he shows you to us.
Praised be my Lord for our sister the moon and for the stars,
which he has set clear and lovely in the heavens.
Praised be my Lord for our brother the wind
and for the air, cloudy and serene, and for all kinds of weather,
by which You uphold the life in all creatures.
Praised be my Lord for our sister the water
who is useful and humble and precious and clean.
Praised be my Lord for our brother the fire
who, giving light in the darkness, is beautiful and playful and mighty and strong.
Praised be my Lord for our mother the earth,
who sustains us and keeps us with fruits and many-coloured flowers and grasses.

Praised be my Lord, through all who forgive and bear infirmity and suffering.
Blessed are all who endure in peace, for by You, my Lord, they shall be rewarded.
Praised be my Lord, through our sister Death, from whom no one living can escape.

All praise and bless the Lord and give Him thanks and serve Him with great humility.

The Fast

(Author Unknown)

Fast from judging others;
Feast on Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from fear of illness;
Feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute;
Feast on speech that purifies.
Fast from discontent;
Feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger;
Feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism;
Feast on hope.
Fast from negatives;
Feast on encouragement.
Fast from bitterness;
Feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern;
Feast on compassion.
Fast from suspicion;
Feast on truth.
Fast from gossip;
Feast on purposeful silence.
Fast from problems that overwhelm;
Feast on prayer that sustains.
Fast from anxiety;
Feast on faith.


The Nicene Creed

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
and of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation,
he came down from heaven:

by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was born of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.

For our sake he was crucified
under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried

On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures:
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come.

When short of time to pray

After General Lord Jacob Astley (1579-1652), before the battle of Edgehill

O Lord, you know how busy today I must be,
If I should forget you, do not forget me.

For Christ’s sake. Amen.

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